Known Issues


MVVS-309 The selected formatting alignment is not correct

MVVS-399 Reference bug by scope cause

MVVS-535 extremely slow to including U2MQI.H file for the parser

MVVS-548 EQU could not work correctly in IF statement

MVVS-590 READU statement syntax highlight incorrect and misleading

MVVS-636 All lines of nonsense are accepted in editor

MVVS-653 reporting syntax error for "open(line) = 1" in the parser

MVVS-843 parser reporting syntax issue in APP.PROGS\AMLC

MVVS-927 Variables name displayed in breadcrumbs rather than functions name in some cases

MVVS-928 unable to display label name in the path line for subroutine

MVVS-1003 Using a STOP statement to end a program instead of RETURN causes an indentation problem

MVVS-1042 Incorrect grammar tip for the SWAP function

MVVS-1054 Wrong documentation tips in some situations

MVVS-1119 Formatting a document will format "$options -static.dim" to "$options - static.dim", resulting in incorrect code behavior

MVVS-1136 enhancement request to avoid to add a blank line to the end of BASIC source code


MVVS-867 build task is missing when debug BASIC in multi-workspace

MVVS-918 compile BASIC with options for UniVerse account is not working

MVVS-919 compile BASIC programs will list out nonexistent BASIC program

MVVS-1007 unable to compile BASIC program which contains special characters in a string

MVVS-1024 compile option not works for UniData account in MVVS 2.1.0 build

MVVS-1312 Need support flavor 'r' and 'm' in task.json.

MVVS-1313 Build task flavor impacts gRPC debugging mode compilation flavor.


MVVS-713 unable to step out at the end of call subroutine

MVVS-795 Next, continue could not step out from subroutine in UV debugging, Only step in works.

MVVS-809 Debugger should not report "undefined variable" for field inside {}

MVVS-857 Debugging hangs on subroutine RETURN

MVVS-920 unable to debug BASIC program with launch.json file if there was an error in the configuration file

MVVS-1008 Debug option can lose focus on terminal window

MVVS-1188 An exception occurred when debug the program with local subroutine for the second time

MVVS-1190 After pausing during a long for loop, continue button does not work

MVVS-1205 Click F5, compilation pass but there is error line below code

MVVS-1207 Debugger F5(continue) can't stop at breakpoint in subroutine

MVVS-1210 Click stop debugging, then the file can't be edit

MVVS-1211 Debug failed against a basic program(a correct basic program)

MVVS-1222 Step Out is not working properly in MVVS 2.2.0 release

MVVS-1315 Debug with launch.json file should validate dependencies file first.

MVVS-1316 Stop debugging when receiving from INPUT statement will crash extension.

MVVS-1317 Restart button is not working in grpc debugging mode.

MVVS-1318 Step into and out with WATCH variable will crash debugging process.


MVVS-671 Can't connect to UniData demo account on linux

MVVS-1121 java throw exception when failed to connect to the UV account

MVVS-1314 delete currently connected server should also disconnect from current connection in online editing mode.

MVVS-1320 Execute offline editing mode commands will disable online editing mode.


MVVS-982 "The RPC failed" error will crash VS Code extension

MVVS-1036 User may not be aware of the change on the server side.

MVVS-1156 Can not delete basic file under a customer account added to UV.ACCOUNTS

MVVS-1324 Q-pointer with question mark in the name will causing open file exception in online editing mode.

MVVS-1326 Duplicated file path used on the Linux environment.