Class StopConditions


public class StopConditions extends Object
Static methods for creating common Table.StopCondition's.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • StopConditions

      public StopConditions()
  • Method Details

    • endMarker

      public static Table.StopCondition endMarker(Session session, String markerField, String markerValue, boolean ignoreCase, boolean testBefore, boolean contains, String isTrueFunction, int maxPages)
      Returns a StopCondition where the end is indicated by a particular field having a particular value.
      session - The session.
      markerField - The name of the marker field.
      markerValue - The value the marker field has when the end of the table is reached.
      ignoreCase - True if the text comparison should ignore case.
      testBefore - True if the test should be done before processing the page.
      contains - True if the text comparison should be contains() rather than equals().
      isTrueFunction - An optional javascript isTrue function.
      maxPages - the maximum number of pages to retrieve
      a StopCondition.
    • emptyMarker

      public static Table.StopCondition emptyMarker(Session session, String markerField, boolean testBefore, int maxPages)
      Returns a StopCondition where the end is indicated by a particular field becoming empty.
      session - The session.
      markerField - The name of the marker field.
      testBefore - True if the test should be done before processing the page.
      maxPages - the maximum number of pages to retrieve
      a StopCondition.
    • twoFieldsMatch

      public static Table.StopCondition twoFieldsMatch(Session session, String markerField1, String markerField2, boolean ignoreCase, boolean testBefore, boolean contains, int maxPages)
      Returns a StopCondition where the end is reached when two particular fields contain the same value. An example of this is "page x of y" where the "x" and the "y" are the two fields. When the "x" is equal to the "y", you're at the end.
      session - The session.
      markerField1 - The name of the first marker field.
      markerField2 - The name of the second marker field.
      ignoreCase - True if the text comparison should ignore case.
      testBefore - True if the test should be done before processing the page.
      contains - True if the text comparison should be contains() rather than equals().
      maxPages - the maximum number of pages to retrieve
      a StopCondition.
    • columnContainsValue

      public static Table.StopCondition columnContainsValue(Session session, String markerField, String markerValue, boolean includeMarkerRow, boolean ignoreCase, boolean testBefore, boolean contains, int maxPages)
      Returns a StopCondition where the end is indicated by a particular column field having a particular value anywhere within it.
      session - The session.
      markerField - The name of the marker column field.
      markerValue - The value the marker field contains when the end of the table is reached.
      includeMarkerRow - True if the row with the marker value in it should be included in the table's rows.
      ignoreCase - True if the text comparison should ignore case.
      testBefore - True if the test should be done before processing the page.
      contains - True if the text comparison should be contains() rather than equals().
      maxPages - the maximum number of pages to retrieve
      a StopCondition.
    • twoPagesMatch

      public static Table.StopCondition twoPagesMatch(Session session, Table table, int maxPages)
      Returns a StopCondition where the end is reached when two consecutive pages match.
      session - The session.
      table - The table.
      maxPages - the maximum number of pages to retrieve
      a StopCondition.
    • defaultStopCondition

      public static Table.StopCondition defaultStopCondition(Session session, Table table, int maxPages)
      Returns a StopCondition that is a composite of FirstPageMatches and TwoPagesMatch.
      session - The session.
      table - The table.
      maxPages - the maximum number of pages to retrieve
      a StopCondition.
    • firstPageMatches

      public static Table.StopCondition firstPageMatches(Session session, Table table, int maxPages)
      Returns a StopCondition where the end is reached when the first page appears again.
      session - The session.
      table - The table.
      maxPages - the maximum number of pages to retrieve
      a StopCondition.
    • screenChanges

      public static Table.StopCondition screenChanges(Session session, tableImpl, int maxPages)
      Returns a StopCondition where the end is reached when the screen changes.
      session - The session.
      tableImpl - The table.
      maxPages - the maximum number of pages to retrieve
      a StopCondition.
    • operatorError

      public static Table.StopCondition operatorError(Session session, Table table, int maxPages, String resetKey)
      Returns a StopCondition where the end is reached when an operator error occurs.
      session - The session.
      table - The table.
      maxPages - the maximum number of pages to retrieve
      resetKey - the reset key to use to reset an operator error
      a StopCondition.
    • javaScript

      public static Table.StopCondition javaScript(Session session, String script)
      Create a StopCondition that uses JavaScript to determine when to stop.
      session - The session.
      script - the JavaScript
      a StopCondition.
    • composite

      public static Table.StopCondition composite(Session session, List<Table.StopCondition> conditions, int maxPages)
      Create a StopCondition that is composed of multiple StopConditions.
      session - The session.
      conditions - the StopConditions this StopCondition is composed of
      maxPages - the maximum number of pages to retrieve
      a StopCondition.