Interface Table

All Superinterfaces:
Control, Defined

public interface Table extends Control
A Table represents a collection of rows and columns, often spanning multiple 'pages'. The primary retrieval APIs are visitRows and getRows. TODO Discuss pros/cons of nesting a bunch of interfaces in here rather than exposing them at the top level of the package. I like having them in here because (1) they are specific to Table, I don't think they are useful outside of Table, and (2) they keep the top level from getting too cluttered.
  • Method Details

    • visitRows

      void visitRows(Table.RowVisitor visitor, boolean includeBlankRows, Runnable eachPage) throws NoSuchFieldException, TableScrollException
      Call the RowVisitor for each row in the table. Continue until either RowVisitor>visit returns false or to the end of the table.
      visitor - method to call for each row
      includeBlankRows - obvious
      eachPage - an optional method that will be called once for each page
      NoSuchFieldException - if one of the columns does not exist on the screen
      TableScrollException - if the screen changes during the visit.
    • visitRows

      void visitRows(Table.RowVisitor visitor, boolean includeBlankRows, boolean forUpdate, Runnable eachPage) throws NoSuchFieldException, TableScrollException
      Call the RowVisitor for each row in the table. Continue until either RowVisitor>visit returns false or to the end of the table.
      visitor - method to call for each row
      includeBlankRows - obvious
      eachPage - an optional method that will be called once for each page
      forUpdate - set to true if you are going to be updating the rows, default is false.
      NoSuchFieldException - if one of the columns does not exist on the screen
      TableScrollException - if the screen changes during the visit.
    • getRows

      List<Table.Row> getRows(boolean includeBlankRows) throws NoSuchFieldException
      Retrieve all the rows of the table. Impl note: This just calls visitRows collecting all the rows.
      includeBlankRows - a flag to indicate whether or not to include blank rows
      all the rows
      NoSuchFieldException - if one of the columns does not exist on the screen
    • findRow

      int findRow(Map<String,String> searchCriteria)
      Find a row by the given search criteria. The searchCriteria entries are fieldName => fieldValue. The table is scrolled as needed. The value returned is a zero-based index within the current page.
      searchCriteria - The content to find.
      The zero-based index of the found row within the current page. -1 if not found.
    • findRow

      int findRow(Map<String,String> searchCriteria, Runnable eachPage)
      Find a row by the given search criteria. The searchCriteria entries are fieldName => fieldValue. The table is scrolled as needed. The value returned is a zero-based index within the current page. For each page, a Runnable is executed.
      searchCriteria - The content to find.
      eachPage - the Runnable to execute for every page
      The zero-based index of the found row within the current page. -1 if not found.
    • addRow

      void addRow(List<String> columnNames, List<String> rowData)
      Add a row to the table. First, the table is searched to find an empty row, scrolling forward if needed, then the given data is inserted into that row.
      columnNames - The names of the column fields that the rowData goes into.
      rowData - A value to insert into each table cell in the row, corresponding to the columnNames.
    • addRow

      void addRow(List<String> columnNames, List<String> rowData, Runnable eachPage)
      Add a row to the table. First, the table is searched to find an empty row, scrolling forward if needed, then the given data is inserted into that row. For each page, a Runnable is executed.
      columnNames - The names of the column fields that the rowData goes into.
      rowData - A value to insert into each table cell in the row, corresponding to the columnNames.
      eachPage - the Runnable to execute for every page
    • updateRow

      void updateRow(List<String> columnNames, List<String> rowData, int rowNumber)
      Update a row of the table. The given data is inserted into the given zero-based rowNumber.
      columnNames - The names of the column fields that the rowData goes into.
      rowData - A value to insert into each table cell in the row, corresponding to the columnNames.
      rowNumber - The row to update.
    • getColumnNames

      List<String> getColumnNames()
      Returns the names of the table's columns.
      the names of the table's columns.
    • getStopCondition

      Table.StopCondition getStopCondition()
      Returns the StopCondition for the Table.
      the StopCondition for the Table.
    • getNextPageScrollAction

      Table.ScrollAction getNextPageScrollAction()
      Returns the ScrollAction for moving forward through the pages of the Table.
      the ScrollAction for moving forward through the pages of the Table.