Interface StartupInformation.Ibm5250

All Superinterfaces:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface StartupInformation.Ibm5250 extends StartupInformation
This interface describes the startup information for an IBM 5250 host session.
$Id: CJL2CodeTemplates.xml,v 1.2 2011/02/16 16:13:58 MRomijn Exp $
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface

    StartupInformation.Ibm3270, StartupInformation.Ibm5250
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from interface

    Ibm3270, Ibm5250
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Get the Start-Up Response Record Error Code.
    Get the Start-Up Response Record Job Name.
    Get the Start-Up Response Record Object Name.
    Get the Start-Up Response Record success or error response code, as returned by the host, mapped to an enum.
    Get the Start-Up Response Record error response codes for non-Kerberos Services Token automatic sign-on, as returned by the host, mapped to an enum.
    Get the Start-Up Response Record error response codes for Kerberos Services Token automatic sign-on support, as returned by the host, mapped to an enum.
    Get the Start-Up Response Record success or error response code, as returned by the host, as original string.
    Get the Start-Up Response Record System Name.

    Methods inherited from interface

  • Method Details

    • getResponseCodeText

      String getResponseCodeText()
      Get the Start-Up Response Record success or error response code, as returned by the host, as original string. Can be null.
      the Start-Up Response Record success or error response code or null
    • getResponseCode

      com.seagullsw.common.emulator.physical.base.telnet2.TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeEnum getResponseCode()
      Get the Start-Up Response Record success or error response code, as returned by the host, mapped to an enum. Can be null if the returned response code is empty, or is covered by the TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeAutoSignonEnum or TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeAutoSignonKerberosEnum.
      the Start-Up Response Record success or error response code or null
    • getResponseCodeAutoSignon

      com.seagullsw.common.emulator.physical.base.telnet2.TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeAutoSignonEnum getResponseCodeAutoSignon()
      Get the Start-Up Response Record error response codes for non-Kerberos Services Token automatic sign-on, as returned by the host, mapped to an enum. Can be null if the returned response code is empty, or is covered by the TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeEnum or TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeAutoSignonKerberosEnum.
      the Start-Up Response Record error response codes or null
    • getResponseCodeAutoSignonKerberos

      com.seagullsw.common.emulator.physical.base.telnet2.TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeAutoSignonKerberosEnum getResponseCodeAutoSignonKerberos()
      Get the Start-Up Response Record error response codes for Kerberos Services Token automatic sign-on support, as returned by the host, mapped to an enum. Can be null if the returned response code is empty, or is covered by the TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeEnum or TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeAutoSignonEnum.
      the Start-Up Response Record error response codes or null
    • getSystemName

      String getSystemName()
      Get the Start-Up Response Record System Name. Can be null.
      the Start-Up Response Record System Name or null
    • getObjectName

      String getObjectName()
      Get the Start-Up Response Record Object Name. Can be null.
      the Start-Up Response Record Object Name or null
    • getJobName

      String getJobName()
      Get the Start-Up Response Record Job Name. Can be null.
      the Start-Up Response Record Job Name or null
    • getErrorCode

      String getErrorCode()
      Get the Start-Up Response Record Error Code. Can be null.
      the Start-Up Response Record Error Code or null