Interface Attributed

All Known Subinterfaces:
BareField, Cell, Field

public interface Attributed
Implementors of this interface have attributes.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Get the background color.
    Get the foreground color.
    Get the horizontal scale.
    Get the vertical scale.
    hasAttribute(String attribute)
    Check if the provided boolean attribute is set.
    isAvailable(String attribute)
    Check if the provided attribute is available as attribute for the emulator type, of which this Attributed is a part.
    Check if the 'blink' attribute is set.
    Check if the 'bold' attribute is set.
    Check if the 'bright' attribute is set.
    Check if the 'column separator' attribute is set.
    Check if the 'dim' attribute is set.
    Check if the 'invisible' attribute is set.
    Check if the 'reverse' attribute is set.
    Check if the 'underline' attribute is set.
    Check if the 'write protect' attribute is set.
  • Method Details

    • getForegroundColor

      int getForegroundColor()
      Get the foreground color. The values, per emulator type, are listed in Colors. To check if retrieving a foreground color is supported for the emulator type, of which this Attributed is a part, call isAvailable(String) with argument Attributes.FOREGROUND_COLOR. The foreground color is supported by 5250, 3270 and AnsiPlus.
      the foreground color
    • getBackgroundColor

      int getBackgroundColor()
      Get the background color. The values, per emulator type, are listed in Colors. To check if retrieving a background color is supported for the emulator type, of which this Attributed is a part, call isAvailable(String) with argument Attributes.BACKGROUND_COLOR. The foreground color is supported by 3270 and AnsiPlus. For 5250, Colors.Ibm5250.UNDEFINED. is returned.
      the background color
    • isAvailable

      boolean isAvailable(String attribute)
      Check if the provided attribute is available as attribute for the emulator type, of which this Attributed is a part. Possible attributes are defined in Attributes. If the provided attribute is not recognized, false is returned.
      attribute - the provided attribute
      true if the provided attribute is available
    • hasAttribute

      boolean hasAttribute(String attribute)
      Check if the provided boolean attribute is set. If the provided attribute is not supported for the emulator type, of which this Attributed is a part, false will be returned. To check if the provided attribute is supported, call isAvailable(String). Possible attributes are defined in Attributes.
      attribute - the provided attribute
      true if the provided attribute is supported and set
    • isBlink

      boolean isBlink()
      Check if the 'blink' attribute is set. If 'blink' is not supported for the emulator type, of which this Attributed is a part, false will be returned. To check if 'blink' is supported, call isAvailable(String) with argument Attributes.BLINK. Blink is supported by 5250, 3270 and AnsiPlus.
      true if 'blink' is supported and set
    • isBold

      boolean isBold()
      Check if the 'bold' attribute is set. If 'bold' is not supported for the emulator type, of which this Attributed is a part, false will be returned. To check if 'bold' is supported, call isAvailable(String) with argument Attributes.BOLD. Bold is supported by 3270 and AnsiPlus.
      true if 'bold' is supported and set
    • isBright

      boolean isBright()
      Check if the 'bright' attribute is set. If 'bright' is not supported for the emulator type, of which this Attributed is a part, false will be returned. To check if 'bright' is supported, call isAvailable(String) with argument Attributes.BRIGHT. Bright is supported by 3270.
      true if 'bright' is supported and set
    • isColumnSeparator

      boolean isColumnSeparator()
      Check if the 'column separator' attribute is set. If 'column separator' is not supported for the emulator type, of which this Attributed is a part, false will be returned. To check if 'column separator' is supported, call isAvailable(String) with argument Attributes.COLUMN_SEPARATOR. Column Separator is supported by 5250.
      true if 'column separator' is supported and set
    • isDim

      boolean isDim()
      Check if the 'dim' attribute is set. If 'dim' is not supported for the emulator type, of which this Attributed is a part, false will be returned. To check if 'dim' is supported, call isAvailable(String) with argument Attributes.DIM. Dim is supported by AnsiPlus.
      true if 'dim' is supported and set
    • isUnderline

      boolean isUnderline()
      Check if the 'underline' attribute is set. If 'underline' is not supported for the emulator type, of which this Attributed is a part, false will be returned. To check if 'underline' is supported, call isAvailable(String) with argument Attributes.UNDERLINE. Underline is supported by 5250, 3270 and AnsiPlus.
      true if 'underline' is supported and set
    • isWriteProtect

      boolean isWriteProtect()
      Check if the 'write protect' attribute is set. If 'write protect' is not supported for the emulator type, of which this Attributed is a part, false will be returned. To check if 'write protect' is supported, call isAvailable(String) with argument Attributes.WRITE_PROTECT. Write protect is supported by 3270.
      true if 'write protect' is supported and set
    • isReverse

      boolean isReverse()
      Check if the 'reverse' attribute is set. If 'reverse' is not supported for the emulator type, of which this Attributed is a part, false will be returned. To check if 'reverse' is supported, call isAvailable(String) with argument Attributes.REVERSE. Reverse is supported by 5250, 3270 and AnsiPlus.
      true if 'reverse' is supported and set
    • isInvisible

      boolean isInvisible()
      Check if the 'invisible' attribute is set. If 'invisible' is not supported for the emulator type, of which this Attributed is a part, false will be returned. To check if 'invisible' is supported, call isAvailable(String) with argument Attributes.INVISIBLE. Invisible is supported by 5250, 3270.
      true if 'invisible' is supported and set
    • getHorizontalScale

      double getHorizontalScale()
      Get the horizontal scale. To check if retrieving a horizontal scale is supported for the emulator type, of which this Attributed is a part, call isAvailable(String) with argument Attributes.HORIZONTAL_SCALE. Horizontal scale is supported by AnsiPlus.
      the horizontal scale
    • getVerticalScale

      double getVerticalScale()
      Get the vertical scale. To check if retrieving a vertical scale is supported for the emulator type, of which this Attributed is a part, call isAvailable(String) with argument Attributes.VERTICAL_SCALE. Vertical scale is supported by AnsiPlus.
      the vertical scale