Interface Session

  • All Superinterfaces:
    BareSession, Defined

    public interface Session
    extends BareSession, Defined
    A Session expands on the more basic BareSession, adding named screens and named user-defined fields and 'controls'.
    • Method Detail

      • getScreen

        Screen getScreen()
        Returns the currently visible screen.
        Specified by:
        getScreen in interface BareSession
        the currently visible screen.
      • getScreenName

        String getScreenName()
        Returns the name of the currently visible screen.
        the name of the currently visible screen.
      • sendKey

        void sendKey​(String fieldName,
                     int index,
                     String key)
              throws NoSuchFieldException
        Position the cursor to the given user-defined field, then send a key to the host. The list of possible keys is in Keys, specifically Keys.Ibm5250, Keys.Ibm3270, and Keys.AnsiVT. For multi-part fields, e.g. continued or column, position to the index'th part (zero-based indexing).
        fieldName - the field to position the cursor in before sending the key.
        index - the index'th part of the field, zero-based.
        key - the key to send to the host. See Keys.
        NoSuchFieldException - if the field does not exist.
      • getField

        Field getField​(String fieldName)
                throws NoSuchFieldException
        Returns the user-defined field with the given name from the current screen. Note that this does not return the contents of a field, but rather the field itself. To get the contents of a field, @see getText.
        fieldName - The name of the field.
        the user-defined field with the given name.
        NoSuchFieldException - if the field does not exist.
      • getFields

        List<Field> getFields()
        Returns a list of all the user-defined fields on the current screen.
        a list of all the user-defined fields on the current screen.
      • getText

        String getText​(String fieldName)
                throws NoSuchFieldException
        Returns the text content of the given field. This is a convenience method for session.getField(fieldName).getText();
        fieldName - The name of the field.
        the text content of the field.
        NoSuchFieldException - if the field does not exist.
      • setText

        void setText​(String fieldName,
                     String fieldValue)
              throws FieldValidationException,
        Set the text content of the given named field. This is a convenience for session.getField(fieldName).setText(fieldValue);
        fieldName - The name of the field.
        fieldValue - The text content to place into the field. If null or empty, the field is cleared.
        NoSuchFieldException - if the field does not exist.
        FieldValidationException - if the text is not valid for this field.
      • getCursor

        Cursor getCursor()
        Returns the cursor for the current screen. Same as getScreen().getCursor().
        Specified by:
        getCursor in interface BareSession
        the current cursor.
      • getTable

        Table getTable​(String tableName)
                throws NoSuchFieldException
        Returns the user-defined table with the given name from the current screen.
        tableName - The name of the table.
        the user-defined table with the given name.
        NoSuchFieldException - if the table does not exist.