Interface Field

    • Method Detail

      • getText

        String getText()
        Returns the entire text content of the field. Note that for continued and column fields, the text returned is a concatenation of the individual component parts.
        Specified by:
        getText in interface BareField
        the entire text content of the field.
      • setText

        void setText​(String value)
              throws FieldException
        Set the text content of the field. For continued and column fields, the text is "flowed" from one component part to the next until all the text is used.
        Specified by:
        setText in interface BareField
        value - The text content to place into the field. If null or empty, the field is cleared.
        FieldException - if the text cannot be set, because of it being the wrong format or not input capable.
      • isEditable

        boolean isEditable()
        Returns true if the field is editable, i.e. has any input-capable regions.
        true if the field is editable, i.e. has any input-capable regions.
      • getSize

        com.seagullsw.common.toolbox.geometry.Dimension getSize()
        Returns the dimensions of the field.
        the dimensions of the field.
      • getTextList

        List<String> getTextList()
        For multi-part fields, e.g. continued or column, returns a list of the contents of the individual parts.
        a list of the contents of each part of a multi-part field.
      • getText

        String getText​(int index)
                throws NoSuchFieldException
        For multi-part fields, e.g. continued or column, returns the contents of the index'th part (zero-based indexing).
        index - the (zero-based) index
        the contents of the index'th part (zero-based).
      • setText

        void setText​(int index,
                     String value)
        For multi-part fields, e.g. continued or column, set the contents of the index'th part (zero-based indexing). If value is null or empty, the field is cleared.
        index - the (zero-based) index
        value - the value to set
      • setText

        void setText​(int index,
                     String value,
                     boolean obeyHostAutoEnter)
        For multi-part fields, e.g. continued or column, set the contents of the index'th part (zero-based indexing). If value is null or empty, the field is cleared. If obeyHostAutoEnter is true, then the AutoEnterEnabled setting on the parent session is ignored and the auto-enter attribute of the underlying host field is obeyed, i.e. if the value fills the field and the field has the auto-enter attribute, then an Enter is sent. If obeyHostAutoEnter is false, then auto-enter is not performed.
        index - the (zero-based) index
        value - the value to set
        obeyHostAutoEnter - a flag to indicate whether to follow session-wide AutoEnterEnabled setting
      • getRectangle

        com.seagullsw.common.toolbox.geometry.Rectangle getRectangle()
        Returns the area the field occupies.
        the rectangular area occupied by the field.