Interface Keyboard

public interface Keyboard
A Keyboard provides methods for sending keystrokes to a host.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    sendBytes(byte[] bytes)
    Sends "raw" bytes to the host at the current cursor position.
    Sends a key to the host at the current cursor position.
    sendText(String string)
    Sends text to the host at the current cursor position.
    setDebugDelaySendKey(int delay, TimeUnit units)
    Set the amount of time to pause before every sendKey call, to assist with simple debugging.
    setDebugDelaySendText(int delay, TimeUnit units)
    Set the amount of time to pause before every sendText call, to assist with simple debugging.
  • Method Details

    • sendText

      void sendText(String string)
      Sends text to the host at the current cursor position.
      string - the text to send to the host.
    • sendKey

      void sendKey(String key)
      Sends a key to the host at the current cursor position. The list of possible keys is in Keys, specifically Keys.Ibm5250, Keys.Ibm3270, and Keys.AnsiVT.
      key - the key to send to the host. See Keys.
    • setDebugDelaySendKey

      void setDebugDelaySendKey(int delay, TimeUnit units)
      Set the amount of time to pause before every sendKey call, to assist with simple debugging. The delay might be less than requested if the thread is interrupted via Thread.interrupt().
      delay - the delay
      units - the unit of the delay
    • setDebugDelaySendText

      void setDebugDelaySendText(int delay, TimeUnit units)
      Set the amount of time to pause before every sendText call, to assist with simple debugging. The delay might be less than requested if the thread is interrupted via Thread.interrupt().
      delay - the delay
      units - the unit of the delay
    • sendBytes

      void sendBytes(byte[] bytes)
      Sends "raw" bytes to the host at the current cursor position. Same as getScreen().getKeyboard().sendBytes(bytes). Typically used with VT to send "non standard" byte sequences.
      bytes - the bytes to send to the host.