Class Ibm5250StartupInformationAdapter

All Implemented Interfaces:
StartupInformationListener, StartupInformationListener.Ibm5250

public class Ibm5250StartupInformationAdapter extends Object implements StartupInformationListener.Ibm5250
This class implements 5250 StartupInformationListener, but does not do anything. Subclasses can override specific methods.
$Id: CJL2CodeTemplates.xml,v 1.2 2011/02/16 16:13:58 MRomijn Exp $
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface

    StartupInformationListener.Ibm3270, StartupInformationListener.Ibm5250
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    errorCodeChanged(String oldErrorCode, String newErrorCode)
    The Start-Up Response Record Error Code, changed.
    jobNameChanged(String oldJobName, String newJobName)
    The Start-Up Response Record Job Name, changed.
    objectNameChanged(String oldObjectName, String newObjectName)
    The Start-Up Response Record Object Name, changed.
    responseCodeAutoSignonChanged(com.seagullsw.common.emulator.physical.base.telnet2.TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeAutoSignonEnum oldResponseCodeAutoSignon, com.seagullsw.common.emulator.physical.base.telnet2.TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeAutoSignonEnum newResponseCodeAutoSignon)
    The Start-Up Response Record error response codes for non-Kerberos Services Token automatic sign-on, as returned by the host, mapped to an enum, changed.
    responseCodeAutoSignonKerberosChanged(com.seagullsw.common.emulator.physical.base.telnet2.TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeAutoSignonKerberosEnum oldResponseCodeAutoSignonKerberos, com.seagullsw.common.emulator.physical.base.telnet2.TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeAutoSignonKerberosEnum newResponseCodeAutoSignonKerberos)
    The Start-Up Response Record error response codes for Kerberos Services Token automatic sign-on support, as returned by the host, mapped to an enum, changed.
    responseCodeChanged(com.seagullsw.common.emulator.physical.base.telnet2.TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeEnum oldResponseCode, com.seagullsw.common.emulator.physical.base.telnet2.TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeEnum newResponseCode)
    The Start-Up Response Record success or error response code, as returned by the host, mapped to an enum, changed.
    responseCodeTextChanged(String oldResponseCodeText, String newResponseCodeText)
    The Start-Up Response Record success or error response code, as returned by the host, as original string, changed.
    systemNameChanged(String oldSystemName, String newSystemName)
    The Start-Up Response Record System Name, changed.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Ibm5250StartupInformationAdapter

      public Ibm5250StartupInformationAdapter()
  • Method Details

    • responseCodeTextChanged

      public void responseCodeTextChanged(String oldResponseCodeText, String newResponseCodeText)
      Description copied from interface: StartupInformationListener.Ibm5250
      The Start-Up Response Record success or error response code, as returned by the host, as original string, changed. Can be null.
      Specified by:
      responseCodeTextChanged in interface StartupInformationListener.Ibm5250
      oldResponseCodeText - the old Start-Up Response Record success or error response code or null
      newResponseCodeText - the new Start-Up Response Record success or error response code or null
    • responseCodeChanged

      public void responseCodeChanged(com.seagullsw.common.emulator.physical.base.telnet2.TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeEnum oldResponseCode, com.seagullsw.common.emulator.physical.base.telnet2.TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeEnum newResponseCode)
      Description copied from interface: StartupInformationListener.Ibm5250
      The Start-Up Response Record success or error response code, as returned by the host, mapped to an enum, changed. Can be null if the returned response code is empty, or is covered by the TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeAutoSignonEnum or TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeAutoSignonKerberosEnum.
      Specified by:
      responseCodeChanged in interface StartupInformationListener.Ibm5250
      oldResponseCode - the old Start-Up Response Record success or error response code or null
      newResponseCode - the new Start-Up Response Record success or error response code or null
    • responseCodeAutoSignonChanged

      public void responseCodeAutoSignonChanged(com.seagullsw.common.emulator.physical.base.telnet2.TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeAutoSignonEnum oldResponseCodeAutoSignon, com.seagullsw.common.emulator.physical.base.telnet2.TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeAutoSignonEnum newResponseCodeAutoSignon)
      Description copied from interface: StartupInformationListener.Ibm5250
      The Start-Up Response Record error response codes for non-Kerberos Services Token automatic sign-on, as returned by the host, mapped to an enum, changed. Can be null if the returned response code is empty, or is covered by the TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeEnum or TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeAutoSignonKerberosEnum.
      Specified by:
      responseCodeAutoSignonChanged in interface StartupInformationListener.Ibm5250
      oldResponseCodeAutoSignon - the old Start-Up Response Record error response codes or null
      newResponseCodeAutoSignon - the new Start-Up Response Record error response codes or null
    • responseCodeAutoSignonKerberosChanged

      public void responseCodeAutoSignonKerberosChanged(com.seagullsw.common.emulator.physical.base.telnet2.TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeAutoSignonKerberosEnum oldResponseCodeAutoSignonKerberos, com.seagullsw.common.emulator.physical.base.telnet2.TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeAutoSignonKerberosEnum newResponseCodeAutoSignonKerberos)
      Description copied from interface: StartupInformationListener.Ibm5250
      The Start-Up Response Record error response codes for Kerberos Services Token automatic sign-on support, as returned by the host, mapped to an enum, changed. Can be null if the returned response code is empty, or is covered by the TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeEnum or TelnetOptionNEW_ENVIR.StartupResponseCodeAutoSignonEnum.
      Specified by:
      responseCodeAutoSignonKerberosChanged in interface StartupInformationListener.Ibm5250
      oldResponseCodeAutoSignonKerberos - the old Start-Up Response Record error response codes or null
      newResponseCodeAutoSignonKerberos - the new Start-Up Response Record error response codes or null
    • systemNameChanged

      public void systemNameChanged(String oldSystemName, String newSystemName)
      Description copied from interface: StartupInformationListener.Ibm5250
      The Start-Up Response Record System Name, changed. Can be null.
      Specified by:
      systemNameChanged in interface StartupInformationListener.Ibm5250
      oldSystemName - the old Start-Up Response Record System Name or null
      newSystemName - the new Start-Up Response Record System Name or null
    • objectNameChanged

      public void objectNameChanged(String oldObjectName, String newObjectName)
      Description copied from interface: StartupInformationListener.Ibm5250
      The Start-Up Response Record Object Name, changed. Can be null.
      Specified by:
      objectNameChanged in interface StartupInformationListener.Ibm5250
      oldObjectName - the old Start-Up Response Record Object Name or null
      newObjectName - the new Start-Up Response Record Object Name or null
    • jobNameChanged

      public void jobNameChanged(String oldJobName, String newJobName)
      Description copied from interface: StartupInformationListener.Ibm5250
      The Start-Up Response Record Job Name, changed. Can be null.
      Specified by:
      jobNameChanged in interface StartupInformationListener.Ibm5250
      oldJobName - the old Start-Up Response Record Job Name or null
      newJobName - the new Start-Up Response Record Job Name or null
    • errorCodeChanged

      public void errorCodeChanged(String oldErrorCode, String newErrorCode)
      Description copied from interface: StartupInformationListener.Ibm5250
      The Start-Up Response Record Error Code, changed. Can be null.
      Specified by:
      errorCodeChanged in interface StartupInformationListener.Ibm5250
      oldErrorCode - the old Start-Up Response Record Error Code or null
      newErrorCode - the new Start-Up Response Record Error Code or null