Interface Table.StopCondition

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    StopConditions.EndMarkerStopCondition, StopConditions.StopConditionAdapter
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface Table.StopCondition
    extends Condition
    A StopCondition is a Condition that returns true from its isTrue method when a table iterator (e.g. visitRows) has reached the end of the Table. A StopCondition is also "informed" (called) at various stages during the table iteration: once at the start, once for each row and once for each page.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean doTestBeforeProcessingPage()
      Returns true if the condition's isTrue method should be called before processing a page (versus after).
      void eachPage()
      Called after each scroll.
      boolean eachRow​(Table.Row row)
      Called for each row, also gives the StopCondition a chance to skip rows.
      void initialize()
      initialize will be called once before iterating through the pages of a Table.
      • Methods inherited from interface

    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        void initialize()
        initialize will be called once before iterating through the pages of a Table.
      • doTestBeforeProcessingPage

        boolean doTestBeforeProcessingPage()
        Returns true if the condition's isTrue method should be called before processing a page (versus after).
        whether or not to call the condition's isTrue method before processing the page
      • eachPage

        void eachPage()
        Called after each scroll.
      • eachRow

        boolean eachRow​(Table.Row row)
        Called for each row, also gives the StopCondition a chance to skip rows. Return true to include the row, false to skip it.
        row - the current row to check
        whether or not to include the row