Class Ibm3270StartupInformationAdapter

    • Constructor Detail

      • Ibm3270StartupInformationAdapter

        public Ibm3270StartupInformationAdapter()
    • Method Detail

      • errorCodeChanged

        public void errorCodeChanged​(com.seagullsw.common.emulator.physical.emul3270.telnet2.Telnet3270EnhancedOption.ErrorEnum oldErrorEnum,
                                     com.seagullsw.common.emulator.physical.emul3270.telnet2.Telnet3270EnhancedOption.ErrorEnum newErrorEnum)
        Description copied from interface: StartupInformationListener.Ibm3270
        The Error Code, as returned by the host with a REJECT command, changed. Can be null.
        Specified by:
        errorCodeChanged in interface StartupInformationListener.Ibm3270
        oldErrorEnum - the old negotiated Error Code or null
        newErrorEnum - the new negotiated Error Code or null
      • bindImageChanged

        public void bindImageChanged​(Boolean oldBindImage,
                                     Boolean newBindImage)
        Description copied from interface: StartupInformationListener.Ibm3270
        The flag, to indicate that the server is allowed to send the SNA Bind image and Unbind image notification, changed. Can be null.
        Specified by:
        bindImageChanged in interface StartupInformationListener.Ibm3270
        oldBindImage - the old flag to indicate that the server is allowed to send the SNA Bind image and Unbind image notification or null
        newBindImage - the new flag to indicate that the server is allowed to send the SNA Bind image and Unbind image notification or null
      • contentionResolutionChanged

        public void contentionResolutionChanged​(Boolean oldContentionResolution,
                                                Boolean newContentionResolution)
        Description copied from interface: StartupInformationListener.Ibm3270
        The flag, to indicate that both the client and the server are able to handle the SDI, KRI and Signal header flags and the BID data type as defined in 'draft-ietf-tn3270e-extensions-01', changed. Can be null.
        Specified by:
        contentionResolutionChanged in interface StartupInformationListener.Ibm3270
        oldContentionResolution - the old flag to indicate that both the client and the server are able to handle the SDI, KRI and Signal header flags and the BID data type as defined in 'draft-ietf-tn3270e-extensions-01' or null
        newContentionResolution - the new flag to indicate that both the client and the server are able to handle the SDI, KRI and Signal header flags and the BID data type as defined in 'draft-ietf-tn3270e-extensions-01' or null
      • responsesChanged

        public void responsesChanged​(Boolean oldResponses,
                                     Boolean newResponses)
        Description copied from interface: StartupInformationListener.Ibm3270
        The flag, to indicate that the server provides support for positive and negative response handling, changed. Allows the server to reflect to the client any and all definite, exception, and no response requests sent by the host application. Can be null.
        Specified by:
        responsesChanged in interface StartupInformationListener.Ibm3270
        oldResponses - the old flag to indicate that the server provides support for positive and negative response handling or null
        newResponses - the new flag to indicate that the server provides support for positive and negative response handling or null
      • snaSenseChanged

        public void snaSenseChanged​(Boolean oldSnaSense,
                                    Boolean newSnaSense)
        Description copied from interface: StartupInformationListener.Ibm3270
        The flag, to indicate that the server is committed to accepting SNA-SENSE-CODE responses to 3270-DATA, SCS-DATA (LU1), BID and FMH-DATA data type messages, changed. Can be null.
        Specified by:
        snaSenseChanged in interface StartupInformationListener.Ibm3270
        oldSnaSense - the old flag to indicate that the server is committed to accepting SNA-SENSE-CODE responses to 3270-DATA, SCS-DATA (LU1), BID andChanged(FMH-DATA data type messages or null
        newSnaSense - the new flag to indicate that the server is committed to accepting SNA-SENSE-CODE responses to 3270-DATA, SCS-DATA (LU1), BID andChanged(FMH-DATA data type messages or null
      • sysReqChanged

        public void sysReqChanged​(Boolean oldSysReq,
                                  Boolean newSysReq)
        Description copied from interface: StartupInformationListener.Ibm3270
        The flag, to indicate that allows the client and server to emulate some (or all, depending on the server) of the functions of the SYSREQ key in an SNA environment, changed. Can be null.
        Specified by:
        sysReqChanged in interface StartupInformationListener.Ibm3270
        oldSysReq - the old flag to indicate that allows the client and server to emulate some (or all, depending on the server) of the functions of the SYSREQ key in an SNA environment or null
        newSysReq - the new flag to indicate that allows the client and server to emulate some (or all, depending on the server) of the functions of the SYSREQ key in an SNA environment or null